The Heart of the Westfjords

The Heart of the Westfjords

Wayfinding in the Westfjords is a treasure trove of creative wayfinding approaches, each honed through years guiding groups on adventures in the region.


The hardcover book includes creative writing, artwork, photography and storied reflection to deepen your connection to the Westfjords. A must for those drawn to travel in the Westfjords.

'Wayfinding in the Westfjords is a diligent tangle of the practical and the magical. Visually sumptuous, it also has some hard yards of stomped wisdom secreted within it. There are clues here about what it means to be claimed by a place. It made me whistle through my teeth and start thinking about a journey north'
Dr. Martin Shaw
Author of Smoke Hole: Looking to the Wild in the Time of the Spyglass

What is Wayfinding?

Wayfinding is both a process of navigation by which we locate ourselves in a landscape and determine the way forward, and a collection of practices for finding our way metaphorically in relation to ourselves and the planet. Practices include wild-walking and camping, drystone cairn construction, tree planting, cold and hot water immersion, foraging, storytelling, ritual, ceremony and creative response. Each provides a pathway towards an ecology of mind bedded within the expansive terrestrial and marine landscapes of the Westfjords.


Embrace this book and these wayfinding practices to bring you closer to the land and sea, and to your human and nonhuman counterparts, as you make your way.

What is Wayfinding?

Wayfinding is both a process of navigation by which we locate ourselves in a landscape and determine the way forward, and a collection of practices for finding our way metaphorically in relation to ourselves and the planet. These include wild-walking and camping, drystone cairn construction, tree planting, cold and hot water immersion, foraging, storytelling, ritual, ceremony and creative response. Each provides a pathway towards an ecology of mind bedded within the Westfjords’ expansive terrestrial and marine landscapes.


Embrace this book and these practices to bring you closer to the land and sea, and to your human and nonhuman counterparts, as you make your way.

1: The Edge


2: Stone

Rauðisandur—Cairns—Ptarmigan—Seal—Oral story

3: Gifts

Reykjafjarðardalur—Plants, collected—Laver—Dulse—Angelica—Water, hot and cold

4: Raven’s Sandspit


5: Horsing Around

Þingeyri—Horsetail—Walking—Kari—When We Were Vikings

6: Wool


7: The Depths

Önundarfjörður—Sea trails—Driftwood—Cetaceans—Skate—Flow

8: Ashes


The Compendium

Find Your Own Creative Path

Wayfinding in the Westfjords and its companions offer a pathway to experience the wild heart of the Westfjords. This first-of-its-kind compendium of notes is now available to pre-order through our online store.  

The Compendium

Find Your Own Creative Path

Wayfinding in the Westfjords and its companions offer a pathway to experience the wild heart of the Westfjords.